AORN Heartland Chapter 2403

Seeking Candidates!

Posted 28 days ago by Joni Gutknecht

Spring Greetings to AORN of the Heartland Chapter #2403 Colleagues!


How often do we rely on AORN for our nursing practice?  How many times have we mentioned AORN Standards when survey teams arrive to our organizations?  Does your organization have Clinical Ladder Programs (points for being a Chapter Officer)?  How does our care of patients improve from reading the AORN Journals, attending conferences, and JOINING our Chapter meetings via web-based communication from the comfort of your homes or in person?


Want to learn more??  Nominations are open to fill the following Chapter positions: 


1.) President-Elect (1-year term begins Fall 2025),

2.) Treasurer (2-year term begins Fall 2024)

3.) Board Member (2-year term begins Fall 2024)

4.) Nominating Committee (2-year term begins Fall 2024)


Obligations are minimal, you will get to form new relations with other Chapter members, and you will earn points to attend future AORN Expo events with partial/full Chapter reimbursement (and DON’T forget to apply for an AORN Foundation Grant!!!).


If interested in placing your name on our ballot or have questions, please send an email to or , Chapter President.



Kristy Gottschalk, MSN, RN, CNOR, T-CSCT

Operating Room Education Coordinator

Office: 218-545-5366 Mobile: (612) 636-8614


Cuyuna Regional Medical Center

320 East Main Street, Crosby, MN 56441